Important News Regarding Respite and Covid-19
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Our Mission
Child Respite Resource's primary mission is to help families find funding for respite child care needs. In addition we support families and their support programs by finding consistent and reliable respite resources.
Support MissionSupporting Little Heros and Their Families

Normal. In so many ways, kids just want their lives to be normal. "I can't tell you how much it meant to our adoptive children to hear that the way they were acting or the things they are doing, were simply normal." Said Director Adrienne Kallweit. When kids have been moved around, families changed, habits changed, none of it feels normal. Whatever reason a family's life has been turned upside down, a helping hand can provide all the difference. It can allow the children and families to feel normal for a day, or even maybe a little more special than normal, to become a hero in their own story.
Over the past year Child Respite Resource has been working with families in the Tulsa, Oklahoma area who have been referred to us through Mental and Behavioral Health Agencies. These programs help heal hurting and abused children, strengthens families and provides hope and a path to recovery for those battling mental illness and addiction. We have been able to be a resource for these families by helping find and fund in-home care services.
The response has been overwhelmingly positive. Not only are the parents feeling a great sense of support but the children are thriving in the care of the referred caregivers. One mom came home to the caregiver and almost broke down in tears as her four typically rowdy boys were sitting on the floor playing calmly with the caregiver. Respite has been shown to improve family functioning, improve satisfaction with life, enhance the ability to cope with stress, and improve attitudes.